
Publicações de novidades sobre mudanças relacionadas ao GNU Taler, como lançamentos e eventos – Inscrever-se no Feed RSS


  • Event: Privacy, Identity and Payment in the Next Generation Internet (Biel, Switzerland)


    We are happy to announce the final program for our side-event of the PointZeroForum in Biel, Switzerland from 10-12am on July 1st. At the event, we will be presenting GNU Taler, identity management and hardware key protection technologies and listen to a speech by Patrick Breyer (MEP) on the Digital Euro. You can also meet Isidor Wallimann from NETZBON to discuss the use of GNU Taler for regional currencies. The GNU Taler team will showcase its approach to payments at offline merchants, the sn [...]
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  • GNU Taler plugin for Adobe Commerce (Magento) now available


    This project implemented the GNU Taler payment system in Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento). An extension was developed that can now be included in all Adobe Commerce online shops.
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  • Real-time GNU Taler auditor


    This bachelor thesis implements puts it's focus on the GNU Taler auditor. Cedric Zwahlen and Nicola Eigel made it real-time and added single page application.
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  • Privacy-preserving Subscriptions, Discounts and Tax Deductable Donations


    Two independent bachelor theses bring new privacy-focused features to GNU Taler. Christian Blättler designed and implemented token-based subscriptions and discounts in Taler, while Lukas Matyja and Johannes Casaburi's thesis introduces the Donau system, a new type of a donation authority system.
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  • Cashless to e-Cash


    During his bachelor thesis, Joel Häberli designed and implemented a framework allowing for cashless withdrawals in GNU Taler.
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  • GNU Taler v0.11 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.11.
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  • GNU Taler v0.10 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.10.
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  • GNU Taler v0.9.4 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.9.4.
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  • GNU libmicrohttpd 1.0 released


    We are glad to announce the release of GNU libmicrohttpd v1.0, and future plans for the library.
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  • NLnet open call with funding opportunities for GNU Taler integrators


    Join us on our journey towards informational self-determination in payments! As part of NGI TALER, NLnet Foundation is running an open call and will award grants to third parties working on GNU Taler enhancements globally. The application process is simple and the first submission deadline is April 1st 2024.
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  • New EU project NGI TALER will bring private and secure online payments to the Eurozone


    We are excited to announce the creation of a European project December 1st 2023, which will run for the next 36 months. This Next Generation Internet pilot named "NGI TALER" is operated by a consortium of 11 partners from 8 European countries with the mandate to roll out an innovative electronic payment system for the greater benefit of European citizens, merchants, and banks. This payment system is different from current online payment methods, like credit cards or bank transfers, in that it o [...]
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  • NGI Taler project launched


    We are excited to announce the creation of an EU-funded consortium with the central objective to launch GNU Taler as a privacy-preserving payment system across Europe. You can find more information on the consortium page.
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  • Live demo of the GNU Taler payment system at the g0v-hackath59n in Taiwan


    Christian Grothoff will give a live demonstration of GNU Taler at the g0v hackath59n in the afternoon sessions.
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  • GNU Taler v0.9.3 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.9.3.
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  • Practical Offline Payments Using One-Time Passcodes


    We are happy to announce the publication on "Practical Offline Payments Using One-Time Passcodes" by The European Money and Finance Forum.
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  • GNU Taler v0.9.2 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.9.2.
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  • GNU Taler v0.9.1 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.9.1.
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  • Richard Stallman's Business Pitch for Taler Systems SA


    To fund further development of GNU Taler, Taler Systems SA is still looking for investors. Our chief moral officer has recorded a special business pitch for those that are interested.
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  • GNU Taler v0.9 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.9.0.
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  • Zero-Knowledge Age Restriction for GNU Taler


    We propose a design for a privacy-friendly method of age restriction in e-commerce that is aligned with the principle of subsidiarity. The design is presented as an extension of a privacy-friendly payment protocol with a zero-knowledge scheme that cryprographically augments coins for this purpose. Our scheme enables buyers to prove to be of sufficient age for a particular transaction without disclosing it. Our modification preserves the privacy and security properties of the pay [...]
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  • Datenschutzfreundliches digitales Bezahlen


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  • A digital euro and the future of cash


    The Central Bank of Austria has published a report in the context of a workshop celebrating 20 years of Euro-denominated cash. The report discusses the future of cash, including account- and blockchain-based designs, as well as GNU Taler.
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  • GNU Taler Scalability


    Anonymity loves company. Hence, to provide the best possible anonymity to GNU Taler users, the scalability of individual installations of a Taler payment service matters. While our design scales nicely on paper, NGI Fed4Fire+ enabled us to evaluate the transaction rates that could be achieved with the actual implementation. Experiments were conducted by Marco Boss for his Bachelor's thesis at the Bern University of Applied Sciences to assess bottlenecks and suggest avenues for further improvem [...]
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  • Paper: Who comes after us? The correct mindset for designing a Central Bank Digital Currency


    The title of the paper refers to the former DIRNSA, who claimed that "nobody comes after us" just before the NSA lost control of its data on Afghanistan collaborators to the Taliban. The paper urges for this cautionary tale to be considered when central banks are creating digital currencies.
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  • Central Bank Accounts are Dangerous and Unnecessary: A critique of two papers


    In December 2021, the European Central Bank (ECB) published a report on ``Central Bank Digital Currency: functional scope, pricing and controls'' in its Occasional Paper Series, detailing various challenges for the Digital Euro. While the authors peripherally acknowledge the existence of token-based payment systems, the notion that a Digital Euro will somehow require citizens to have some kind of central bank account is pervasive in the paper. We argue that an account-based design cannot meet [...]
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  • Adding Schnorr's Blind Signatures to Taler


    Gian Demarmels and Lucien Heuzeveldt have finished their Bachelor's thesis which adds a second blind signature scheme to GNU Taler.
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  • Come una banca centrale dovrebbe emettere una moneta digitale


    Siamo lieti di annunciare la pubblicazione del nostro articolo su "Come emettere una moneta digitale di banca centrale" che è un lavoro congiunto con la Banque nationale suisse.
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  • Understanding and designing technologies for everyday financial collaboration


    We are happy to announce that Belén finished her PhD thesis on"Understanding and designing technologies for everyday financial collaboration" which contains many inspirational ideas for future payment systems like GNU Taler:
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  • Cómo Emitir una Moneda Digital del Banco Central


    Nos complace anunciar la publicación de nuestro artículo sobre "Cómo Emitir una Moneda Digital del Banco Central" que es un trabajo conjunto con el Banque nationale suisse.
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  • GNU Taler v0.8 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.8.
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  • Code Blau GmbH deploys first external Taler auditor


    We received a grant from NLnet foundation with the goal to qualify Code Blau GmbH to act as an external auditor for GNU Taler. To do this, we created a guide that describes how to deploy a Taler auditor and then practiced the steps using the existing Taler exchange deployment at BFH. Code Blau wrote a report detailing all the steps taken. Finally, we have created a draft of the kind of business agreement that Code Blau would enter with banks operating the Taler payment sys [...]
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  • Comment émettre une monnaie numérique de banque centrale


    Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la publication de notre article sur "Comment émettre une monnaie numérique de banque centrale" par le Banque nationale suisse.
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  • How to issue a Privacy-preserving Central Bank Digital Currency


    We are happy to announce the publication of our policy brief on "How to issue a privacy-preserving central bank digital currency" by The European Money and Finance Forum.
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  • Why a Digital Euro should be Online-first and Bearer-based


    We are happy to announce the publication of our paper on "Why a Digital Euro should be Online-first and Bearer-based".
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  • How to issue a Central Bank Digital Currency


    We are happy to announce the publication of our paper on "How to Issue a Central Bank Digital Currency" by the Swiss National Bank.
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  • RFC 8905 - "The 'payto' URI Scheme for Payments" published


    We are happy to announce the publication of RFC 8905 by the IETF.
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  • Talk about GNU Taler in Valencia


    Javier Sepúlveda will give a talk in Spanish about GNU Taler at Valencia at an event organized by the GNU/Linux group from Valencia, which is a public organization supported by the Valencia City Hall to promote urban innovation and entrepreneurship.
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  • GNU Taler launched at Bern University of Applied Sciences


    The GNU Taler payment system was launched at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in the presence of a representative of the Swiss National Bank. Students, staff, faculty and visitors can visit the cafeteria at Höheweg 80 to withdraw the electronic equivalent of Swiss Franks (CHF) onto Taler Wallet App running on their mobile phones and pay at a Taler-enabled snack machine. The system is expected to expand to allow payments at other places in the future. Various faculty me [...]
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  • Exchange independent security audit report published


    We received a grant from NLnet foundation to pay for an external security audit of the GNU Taler exchange cryptography, code and documentation. CodeBlau now concluded their audit. You can find the final report here. We have compiled a preliminary response detailing what changes we have already made and which changes we are still planning to make in the future. We thank CodeBlau for their work, and NLnet and the European Commission's Horizion 2020 NGI initiative for fundi [...]
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  • Exchange ready for external security audit


    We received a grant from NLnet foundation to pay for an external security audit of the GNU Taler exchange cryptography, code and documentation. We spent the last four months preparing the code, closing almost all of the known issues, performing static analysis, fixing compiler warnings, improving test code coverage, fuzzing, benchmarking, and reading the code line-by-line. Now, we are now ready to start the external audit. This April, CodeBlau will review the code in the Ma [...]
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  • GNU Taler v0.7.0 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.7.0.
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  • GNU Taler v0.6.0 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.6.0.
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  • GNU Taler v0.5.0 released


    We are happy to announce the release of GNU Taler v0.5.0. The main new feature is customer tipping, which allows merchants to pay small rewards directly into a customer's wallet. Technical improvements include numerous performance improvements and bug fixes, as well as a new, simpler to use API for merchants that also enables the implementation of GNU Taler wallets on platforms that do not support WebExtensions.
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  • GNU Taler v0.4.0 released


    We are happy to announce the release GNU Taler v0.4.0 with support for customer refunds, protocol versioning, incremental key material download, returning funds from the wallet directly back into one's bank account, and various other minor improvements. The Chrome and Chromium wallets are available for download via the App store. The exchange, merchant backend and bank components are on the GNU FTP mirrors. Note that the Firefox wallet will take a few more days to become availab [...]
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  • We explain GNU Taler at SHA 2017


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  • Sva explains GNU Taler at EasterHegg and Torsten demonstrates it is child's play


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  • Sva explains GNU Taler at FOSSASIA in Singapore


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  • Florian Dold explains Taler at 50p in Bangalore


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  • Taler Documentation pages updated

    2017-01-01 is now online, providing a new portal to the Taler system documentation.
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  • Christian Grothoff explains Taler at hasgeek in Bangalore


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  • Taler Wallet for Firefox online


    We now have a first version of the Taler wallet for Firefox. For now, a development build of Firefox is required. Installation instructions are on the Wallet page.
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  • Taler Web Payments paper published


    We just finished the camera-ready version of our paper on how to use Taler for Web payments. This paper does not discuss the cryptography behind Taler, but focuses on the practical aspects of how the wallet and the merchants interact over the Web. Hence, this paper should be a good read for anyone who wants to integrate Taler support with their Web site. We have posted the paper here.
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  • Taler Systems S.A. created


    We now have a business entity for Taler. Potential investors may contact the executive team at
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  • GNU Taler 0.0.0 released


    We have reached our first big milestone, the 0.0.0 release! The release includes implementations of a bank, exchange, merchant and wallet and is available on the GNU FTP mirrors.
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  • Taler Demo for Chrome/Chromium online


    We finally have a first simple demo for Taler online. The Firefox-variant still needs some love, but you can start to try out the demo using the Chrome/Chromium browser at Please provide feedback to our bug tracker.
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  • Christian Grothoff explains the goals behind Taler


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  • Taler becomes an official GNU package


    Taler was accepted into the GNU project today. GNU will offer advice, advocacy and cooperation --- and host our official public mailinglist
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  • Watch Christian Grothoff's FOSSA talk on Taler


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  • Launching


    Welcome to our new site about the Taler electronic payment system.
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